“If you want to find the secrets to the universe, think in terms of energy, frequency, & vibration.” ~ Nikola Tesla

In a world full of stress, bacteria, and virus you need
immune support more than ever. This proprietary
silver is a triple-action AND continuous-action immune
support supplement you can take up to three times
a day. Within two hours our unique particles are working
hard directly in your bloodstream. These particles are
proven incredibly effective and safe, and within a day they
are completely gone from your body.
Buy Now
Supports the immune system
Triple action nano-silver
Continuous action particles
Outperforms other silvers that have up to 300 times the quantity of silver
Leaves the body within 24 hours
Proven safe & effective in third-party testing
Proven harmless to probiotic bacteria in 3rd party tests
Contains NO nitrates, phthalates, BPA, gluten, or sulfa compounds
Made in the USA with lab-grade purified water (deionized water) and 99.99% pure silver
Active Defense Nano-Silver